Takemusu Aikido Association Bulgaria
武産 合気道 協会 ブルガリア

Aikido is a Japanese martial art exclusively for self-defense created by Morihei Ueshiba.
In Aikido the spiritual growth of the individual is emphasized through the acquisition of the ability to defend oneself.
The spiritual dimension of this art permeates every aspect of the practice, inside and outside the dojo.
In the philosophy of its founder, Ueshiba, Aikido is the means to unite people into one big family and not, on the contrary, to hurt others. Ideally, when in a situation of physical conflict, the aikidoka should apply only the control necessary to neutralize the opponent's attack and avert the danger.
The more the Aikido practitioner grows, the more he develops this attitude to save his own life and that of his opponent at the same time, in an attempt to make violent people understand that they are wrong and that they can do nothing in the face of technical skill combined with intelligence dominated by the heart.
In Aikido we try to live by paying attention to potential situations of conflict or violence, to interpersonal relationships, to society, with the aim of improving the world in which we live and being an example for others. Situations of physical conflict must be anticipated and avoided through self-confidence and the spiritual maturity that arises from it.
The realization of these goals inevitably requires many years of deep dedication, but Aikido is a lifelong discipline and its assiduous practice leads to growing technical skill and a deep understanding of human nature.
In these meanings lies the great difference between Aikido and other combat arts and it is precisely these aspects that attract people interested in the harmonious and non-violent resolution of conflicts.
But it would be inaccurate to think that Aikido technique is neither effective nor rigorous. Practiced in the traditional way, as taught by the founder, Morihei Ueshiba, Aikido is the most effective personal defense, while respecting the lives of others. Powerful joint locks, throws and immobilizations neutralize the opponent without causing irreversible injuries.
Aikido techniques could, if left unchecked, cause serious harm and even death. However, it is the spiritual principles of this noble art that prohibit such destructive conduct.
We must not forget that beyond the martial arts, skill and essential technical precision, Aikido literally means "the way of harmony" (Ai: harmony, KI: universal energy, spirit, DO: way). Therefore, the way to harmonize with Energy, with the Universal Spirit, which is a spirit of love, of respect for all living beings.

Takemusu Aikido
"Take" is the same Japanese character as the Bu in Bushido, meaning martial. "Musu" means to give birth to, or create. O-Sensei used the term Takemusu Aikido as a means to explain the highest level of Aikido – to be able to spontaneously use and create effective Aikido techniques in any given situation.